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  • in reply to: Michael (supernaturalist) #1855

    The two interlacing circles, as with the ‘well head’ of Chalice Well (pictured above) is believed by most to represent heaven and earth, or this world and the otherworld; over-lapping each other; the inference of this is that it is representing a sacred place where the veil is thin, or where both realities can interact with each other…

    So this has an obvious place in a church where the ‘presence’ of heaven is believed to be present… equally it makes sense with the Hare as a creature in the heavens who, along with Orion and dogs, goes in and out of the otherworld… alternating below and above the horizon.

    Also of course, good old Sheela, and the womb IS the place where the other world (or ‘spirit’) is born into this physical world…

    A great icon, like an Ogre (see Shrek) has layers! :wink: and should as this one does, on many levels.

    in reply to: Binsey Meadow, Oxford #1846

    dont know, the book didnt say, just said ‘St Helens well in Yorkshire’…

    … there a quest! go hunting :D

    in reply to: Michael (supernaturalist) #1845

    Nice sermon :)

    Also, icons are powerful because a picture (as Michael has shown) says a thousand words… to a mostly illiterate early europe, iconography has to be a swiss army knife with many interpretations… they stimulate imagination and motivate philosophy

    as a triplicate icon it represents the three, and its underworld connection reminds me of the constellation of orion, his triple star belt, he is always acompanied by the ‘the hare’ as they both go into the other realm, below the horizon, lights shining in the dark… in a way of the druidic Awen, the hare’s ears…

    … just an example of how an image can help and allow the mind to meander and philosophise speculations… its an instigator of thought… a lack of icons equals a lack of imaginative stimuli and unispired minds.

    in reply to: Binsey Meadow, Oxford #1838

    Wow vixen! that was a delayed reaction :D

    I just came across this today; another occurance of tripple heads, Elen and wells… from ‘The encyclopaedia of celtic wisdom’ byCaitlin and John Matthews

    “The well of St Helens, Yorkshire, has three partially submerged heads set into the inside of the retaining wall; these can only be ‘seen’ by the hand…”

    thought that was interesting… wonder if it worth putting you hand in the water at binsey and feeling around to see what your hands can ‘see’

    in reply to: Hi #1833

    Hi there

    Great that you have become ‘active’ rather than just watching. Doesnt matter if you dont have anything new to add to what other people are doing; everybody’s opinion is valid so I hope you throw your tuppence worth in every now and then rather than just watching and being inactive…

    … there are quite a few members now and most have never even posted; that seems a shame to me.

    in reply to: QUEST CON 05 #1832

    I agree with you Simon. I went mostly to be sociable, to catch up with old freinds, but you are quite right, there wasnt much of any ‘Questing’ there, really just ‘alternative topic’ lectures. Graham talked a little about his Marian Chalice (but said nothing that would of been new to anyone who was familiar with his printed work) and Andy talked about some ancient civilisation evidence in Turkey that will kind of relate to his next book… but no questing in the traditional sense… Although some of the other lectures were interesting, none of them were about questing.

    in reply to: QUESTING METHODS #1824

    One musnt be lead to seeing substances as the only way or a short cut either. As much as there is a long tradition of Shamanic travelling there is also a long tradition of Buddhist and Taoist monks achieving all sorts of metaphysical achievements, on little else but humble food, water and fresh mountain air.

    Hallucengens will work, but they are not the only way, and you have to have a strong character to not let the horse run away with you.

    In the final count, do what you feel is right.

    in reply to: Mary Magdalene #1823

    I’m not an educated theologian or scholar of ancient Greek but to me it only seems common sense to keep looking for various interpretations of the word… to me the error would be to stick to one interpretation when nothing is certain… (which the church has done)

    For instance (and a bigger SCREAMER than this ‘casting out’ debate) When Herod hears of Jesus’s popularity he becomes worried that Jesus is John the Baptist reincarnated… which makes no sense at all as Jesus and John were alive at the same time and new each other… so it can only mean that in some ‘other’ way, Herod believed that Jesus ‘owned or had’ John’s spirit. So what kind of ‘spirit ownership’ was that?

    in reply to: QUESTING METHODS #1820

    I agree with what Richard says above about cultural shamanism and drug induced psychic matters… However it must be said that usually the Shaman will undertake this kind of thing only at specific rituals… So I’d be very cautious of enthusiastic ‘occult travellers’ going on a ‘trip’ every weekend… A Shaman would only do this sort of thing at specific times when it was neccesary… not as a daily lifestyle.

    If you are reaching for the stars just try keep your feet on the ground.

    in reply to: QUESTING METHODS #1817
    Simon, your story is the kind of thing many of my co-religionists would sieze on to show that the “occult” (whatever that is) is satanic

    Just a little note aside, ‘Satanism’ is an aspect of Christianity, Satan being part of that mythos. If a group of people are doing something percieved of as ‘dark’ it can only be called Satanic if they are invoking ‘old Nick’… Otherwise, its an erroneous descriptive of self destructive behaviour.

    Regarding Alchohol; I think that its different for different people. A couple of drinks to relax is ok but I have found that as certain drugs ‘Open’ up door in ones head, that alchahol usually ‘Closes’ those same doors… That said, I know of one well nown psychic whose material most people here would be familiar with, was acquired through extreme bouts of drunken binging… I’ll say no names…. the results, although interesting I do not consider worth the price to ones health… the person mentioned has nearly killed themselves.

    Psychic Protection? Most methods originate from either Christian methods of keeping evil away, or come from a High Magic Golden Dawn or Crowley-esque origin… Again, really whatever works for you. Hitler believed that he was protected by destiny and so a a messenger carrier, would run accross the open battlefield with no bullets hitting him… I guess what I am saying here is that its just down to belief. I tend to be quite arrogant in the sense that I feel that (until my alotted time comes) no bad nasties can touch me. So I dont really bother with protection. If I saw a freind struggling then I would try and concentrate ‘light’ around them, but thats about it . Mostly I work alone. I think things like Cones of Power are useful, less for protection, but rather for holding a group of minds into one collective whole.

    in reply to: YURI #1816

    I said that the veil had become denser as the decades have passed by. I am no longer sure if that is true. Either the density of the veil has increased or that the mind of human beings have been gradually losing the ablility to percieve… Am not sure which is the case, maybe a little of both.

    There has been much research into the uses (originally by shamanic cultures) of using various substances to assist in psychic imagery. And what ever is right for you is up to you… but I also DO BELIEVE that all this extra sensory perception is achievable by a relaxed and focussed mind, and a lot less risky to your health if you can percieve things in you normal awake state.

    Trouble with all drugs is that they lead to dependency and other problems, I’d rather take the long slow path and keep my head as clear as possible.

    in reply to: Binsey Meadow, Oxford #1803

    Just thought that I would post this image up; its a new drum design that I have created; largely inspired by the three female foliate heads that Vyxen has shown us in the post above, I have just called it ‘Green Woman’


    in reply to: QUESTING METHODS #1802

    What both styles of music have in common is a cyclic rhythmn which the mind finds stabalising and reliable; as opposed to loud noisey distractions where there is no repeated pattern… this is chaotic… So even loud drum and base, is going to work; ultimately what really matters is that you feel calm inside, the external environment around you isnt important.

    Welcome to the forum

    in reply to: Origin of the four ‘GRAIL HALLOWS’ #1799

    Thanks for the interesting posts, chaps. I havent been ignoring them, just quietly contemplating; will get back to this later.

    in reply to: YURI #1791

    Can answer both of you in a way.

    Yes (just a small A5 booklet (maybe 50 pages) I am intending to write between now and Beltaine. Mostly about the British god Gwyn and his connections with Glastonbury; but he is also the king of the Otherworld, so I will be touching on the ideas that Supernaturalist has mentoned (above)

    It seems that to the ancient ‘celts’ life was much the way as described above, that the ‘veil’ between the worlds was almost nonexistent and that our ancient ancestors were able to communicaate with other beings … somehow the veil becaome thicker and is now almost an inpeneterable wall.

    these beings are possibly the origins of pantheons of gods, nephilim or whatever dawn of human being theory you want to talk about

    If you think that we are more than just evolved cells from the primordeal soup; then either the ‘duaghters of men’ were interacted with by beings who arrived in ‘nuts and bolts’ space craft, or that these beings were somehow in our world and now are not… I think that the Otherworld is most likely and I also belive that it is where we have come from and where we will return to when we die… that in many ways, this world , is the ‘movie’ MATRIX.

    kind of?

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