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    I’m Yuri. I have been interested in psychic questing since I was about 15 when I first read the ‘Green Stone’. I have been actively questing since about 1990 but have always had an interest in esoteric things.

    My main areas of interest are British history, Landscape geometry, and ‘Otherworld’ mythologies (especially Celtic/Faerie). Am quite interested in Holy Grail, Templars etc.

    I work as an artist in Glastonbury and I have my own homepage which is mostly about my artwork but I also post finished pieces of research; mostly what is there at the moment is quite a lot of material about the Glastonbury Zodiac (which I feel is quite ‘wrapped up’ now) My next area that I am working on is a booklet about Gwyn ap Nudd, a British god of the otherworld… am hoping to get a small A5 booklet printed by Beltaiane 2006.

    my website is


    If anyone has any otherworld theories I’d love to hear them



    Yuri, I was doing some tidying at the weekend (my ‘pile it high’ filing system was beginning to break down again) and stuck in my pile was a Fortean Times from a month ago, maybe two months ago. It had a really interesting article on what you might call the Icelandic Otherworld.

    I don’t know if you saw it at all, but most Icelanders believe in a variety of otherworld beings, to the extent that even the authorities take it seriously. The most commonly encountered are the hidden people, who appear to be just like us and live like us, but occupy what seems to be a parallel world that touches on our own. They also have faeries and what-not, but it’s these hidden people that are most encountered, and when I say encountered I don’t just mean sightings (how would you know they weren’t ‘one of us’?) but interactions. It appears that these interactions mostly happen when someone is in trouble. I hadn’t heard anything like these stories before, and wonder if there are similar stories from elsewhere; or is it just Iceland that is linked to the world of the hidden people?

    If you didn’t see it I might be able to send it to you if you’re interested. PM if you like.


    Yuri, I just finished Lynn Picknett’s Mary Magdalene book and not only is your picture reproduced but you get cited throughout the closing chapters. Nice work! Are you considering publishing a book yourself?


    Can answer both of you in a way.

    Yes (just a small A5 booklet (maybe 50 pages) I am intending to write between now and Beltaine. Mostly about the British god Gwyn and his connections with Glastonbury; but he is also the king of the Otherworld, so I will be touching on the ideas that Supernaturalist has mentoned (above)

    It seems that to the ancient ‘celts’ life was much the way as described above, that the ‘veil’ between the worlds was almost nonexistent and that our ancient ancestors were able to communicaate with other beings … somehow the veil becaome thicker and is now almost an inpeneterable wall.

    these beings are possibly the origins of pantheons of gods, nephilim or whatever dawn of human being theory you want to talk about

    If you think that we are more than just evolved cells from the primordeal soup; then either the ‘duaghters of men’ were interacted with by beings who arrived in ‘nuts and bolts’ space craft, or that these beings were somehow in our world and now are not… I think that the Otherworld is most likely and I also belive that it is where we have come from and where we will return to when we die… that in many ways, this world , is the ‘movie’ MATRIX.

    kind of?


    Yuri, that sounds very interesting. Let us know when it’s available.

    Quick thought: Have you read “Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell” (reviewed elsewhere on this site)? It does the “moving through the veil between two worlds” thing very well (even to the point of having the veil strengthening or weakening as the ages pass) with an extremely strong celtic faerie sensibility. It’s a long read but very enjoyable.


    Yuri said:

    the ‘veil’ between the worlds was almost nonexistent and that our ancient ancestors were able to communicaate with other beings these beings are possibly the origins of pantheons of gods, nephilim or whatever dawn of human being theory you want to talk about

    I’ve just read a fascinating interview with Graham Hancock in connection with his new book Supernatural. It’s in Sub Rosa, freely available as a pdf from here:


    It seems to be a book about the Otherworld and human contact with it. I gather that GH’s thesis is that about 40,000 years ago human beings started using various plants to experience alternate states in which they entered other realms of being and interacted with the denizens therein; this helps push human evolution and we begin demonstrating behaviour such as artistic and religious impulses (for example, early cave paintings are the attempts to depict the experiences of altered states).

    The common experiences of people geographically and chronologically separated lead GH to believe that the psychedelic realm is not just all in the mind, but has some independent existence, and he connects it to faery lore, modern ‘alien abductions’ and sacred places (this is in the interview anyway, I haven’t read the book – I’ll add it to my ever-growing list of things to read when I get time) amongst other things.

    that in many ways, this world , is the ‘movie’ MATRIX

    I like the Hindu description of this world being Maya – illusion. This doesn’t mean that our world doesn’t really exist; an illusion is real enough, it just isn’t what it appears to be. So far as I can tell the Gnostic myths which speak of the world as the creation of a blind demiurge are about the deceptiveness of material existence. Unlike what many of the Gnostics seemed to believe however, I don’t see material existence as something intrinsically negative; I suspect that it is our own minds and the world-views we weave that have put in place the deception, and I think that materiality is also open to transformation.


    If you’re interested in using psychedelics to access the Otherworld, “Breaking Open the Head” by Daniel Pinchbeck ([url:2kz4a9s9]http://www.breakingopenthehead.com[/url]) is a must.


    I said that the veil had become denser as the decades have passed by. I am no longer sure if that is true. Either the density of the veil has increased or that the mind of human beings have been gradually losing the ablility to percieve… Am not sure which is the case, maybe a little of both.

    There has been much research into the uses (originally by shamanic cultures) of using various substances to assist in psychic imagery. And what ever is right for you is up to you… but I also DO BELIEVE that all this extra sensory perception is achievable by a relaxed and focussed mind, and a lot less risky to your health if you can percieve things in you normal awake state.

    Trouble with all drugs is that they lead to dependency and other problems, I’d rather take the long slow path and keep my head as clear as possible.



    Interested to see your work on the Glastonbury Zodiac – particularly the background to the mysterious Dee quote ( http://uk.geocities.com/yuri.leitch@bti … enigma.htm ).

    Given that the terrestrial zodiac topic is shunned even by ‘earth mysteries’ types, it would be good to hear your take on them. I know that AC and others have used GZ as a psychic questing tool.


    Hi Perceval

    Thanks for your feedback re my Glastonbury Zodiac pages.

    The Zodiac in Somerset is impossible to proove as a genuine historical reality… you could quite easily argue that it was ‘invented’ by the late Katharine Maltwood in the 1920′s…

    … but you could argue the same about the historical reality of Wicca or modern Paganism stemming forth from the ‘Golden Dawn’ or Aliester Crowley’s ‘Thelamic’ methodology… magically they’re all valid.

    Since Katharine brought it into ‘discussion’ in the 20′s; it has now had an 80 year gestation period, psychically, and so really exists as a psychic/thought-form and so can be used for magical/shamanic pathworking… at the very least, it exists in this manner.

    That said, the impressions that psychics have picked up, Andrew, Earthquest and Co, numerous people I know in Glastonbury and myself… I believe it is at least as old as the 12th century, and possibly older.

    Numerous place names and the deliberate location of various Norman churches lend serious weight to my 12th century assumption… Katharine Maltwood believed it was built around 2400 B.C. … I’m not sure about that, but I’d certainly put my money on it being ‘at least’ 12th century and possibly older.


    Maltwood’s claims for GZ’s historical reality are problematic, not only because much of the area was likely underwater at the time of its supposed origin, but also because she felt the need to validate it on historical grounds at all. But I suppose if she was personally convinced of its historic reality she felt obliged to date it.

    It’s too easy with our current knowledge of archaeology to dismiss her claim, while throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I think it is valid to build something new out of a synthesis of elements from diverse ages/cultures, as the GZ seems to do. I call it creative mythology.


    Anyway, I’m off the the Forbidden Knowledge Conference, so I’ll report back later. There’s also that book I promised I was going to review a while back, but I haven’t finished it yet. Hmm.

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