Home Forums Questing Does Anyone Know…? QUEST CON 05

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    Dont know if anyone here went to this years questing conference… I didnt meet anyone there?

    The theme for the day (losely) seemed to be Mushrooms and Shamanic travelling.

    Colin Wilson gave an excellent talk, very casual, sitting in a chair without looking at notes and just talked and talked… great to see that being 74 years old doesnt hinder an intelligent mind… very inspiring

    Jeremy Narby’s accounts of his experiences in the south american rain forest and his first hand experiences of drugs and shamanism was also fascinating… I’m not into drugs myself but it was good to hear it explained in an intelligent and real way.


    Hi Yuri,

    I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t make it at all. I fully intended to but a variety of mundane obstacles (mostly work related) conspired to prevent me. I guess my only defence is that there didn’t appear to be any direct psychic questing talks this year but still, a bad miss.

    I’ve had quite a bit of interesting stuff going on recently – for example I’m just back from a practical healing seminar – and if and when it falls into some kind of shape I’ll post some new thoughts.

    Shamanism does appear to be forming a strong thread at the moment. I’ve put a couple of Daniel Pinchbeck quotes on the front page as the thought for the week. They’re taken from an excellent, and sometimes prickly, article with Daniel on Tim Boucher’s website: [url:30bw5315][/url].

    Did anyone else go to QuestCon and if so what were the bits that you liked?


    I agree with you Simon. I went mostly to be sociable, to catch up with old freinds, but you are quite right, there wasnt much of any ‘Questing’ there, really just ‘alternative topic’ lectures. Graham talked a little about his Marian Chalice (but said nothing that would of been new to anyone who was familiar with his printed work) and Andy talked about some ancient civilisation evidence in Turkey that will kind of relate to his next book… but no questing in the traditional sense… Although some of the other lectures were interesting, none of them were about questing.

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