ORBS and other photo oddities

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    OK, here are a couple of other pics from my recent trip to St Nectan’s Glen, as Simon said regarding his New Grange photos; some photo’s had orbs, many photos had none; – so its hard to see how ‘weather’ or ‘environment’ (dust and moisture etc) can be around and then not around… indeed, its because most of the photos came out unblemished that makes the few with orbs seem stranger…

    …also it seems to me a fairly modern thing, like crop circles, I dont remember people talking about orbs 20 years ago.






    Great photos Yuri. Orbs are an interesting phenomenon, and of personal interest to me. I have had a few interesting results myself. Will post some here later today for all to see. I don’t really hold with the view that it is a digi. camera thing, as have seen some older photo’s on sites like mysterymag.com using a manual slr camera. I have one photo that I took last year that will be published in SPIRIT CHASER that is extremely odd, but you will all have to wait for that one!


    I’m posting these pictures up on behalf of Alex as his online image host isnt functioning properly;

    Here is St. Bega’s Cave (below St. Bees Head) on the 14th June 2005


    And a picture of Madron Baptistry Chapel (nr Penzance) on the 6th July 2005



    Thanks for that Yuri.

    I have photo’s taken both before and after at St Bega’s cave, where no orbs are visible. The photo of Madron Celtic Baptistry well was the only one taken, but I subsequently found that two days earlier some friends of mine had been at the site taking photos and had captured an almost identical orb in the same spot.



    I am currently doing some research on orbs and would really like other peoples opinions. Comments on the photos posted and any technical issues from anyone who works in the digital photography media would be very helpful. Thanks, Alex


    OK, I know that these have been posted elsewhere but I’ve recovered my “after” photo from hacker meltdown so I’ll re-post the two photos one after the other in this thread where they have greater relevance. First the before shot (with orbs) and then the after shot (without orbs). There was only about 20 seconds between the two photos and the position didn’t change at all. It was a misty morning but there was no actual rain (or even Irish drizzle) so moisture in the atmosphere is unlikely as a cause of the orbs.

    I’d be very interested to know what you think these orbs might indicate, Alex.




    Interesting. I have been doing a lot of research on orbs, and the general consensus seems to be that they are mostly camera anomalies rather than paranormal phenomenon. But I am not so sure about this. I have similar photos where just a few seconds are between shots, (such as the St Bega cave photo above) one shot has orbs then the next shot has nothing? You have had the same result here, Simon. I have been experimenting just this week, trying to get the results that all of the (anti orb) research on the web has said I would get, but not one single orb was caught on camera! My opinion? Well I think something strange is occuring. Some of my more “new agey” friends would agree, but other, more sceptical types would still argue that the orbs are out of focus insects or water droplets. Some are I am sure, espescially night-time shots where a flash is used. (I assume it is digital media you are using?) Sorry for all the rambling, but I am trying to get this sorted because it is relevent to SPIRIT CHASER.

    Anyone else want to join the debate?


    Not sure what they might indicate though. I would have had to be there to get any sort of impressions really. Is that an orb by the wall in the second photo? I’ll have a think on that one and a muse and meditate.


    After finding my orbs at Nectans glen I did a lot of google image searching for both ‘orbs’ and ‘rain’

    Rain never looks like perfect circles, it is always droplet pear shaped

    Orbs are always perfect looking circles and usually transparent; – if it were a blurred insect you would expect there to be an area of density within the orb… and would a blurred bug make a perfect circle?

    I’m not sure what to think; I am undecided to be honest, especially with nighttime flash photography bouncing off from moisture in the air, but a lot of the pictures are in bright daylight so the flash wasnt required.

    I’ve seen many photos now of Saint Nectans glen, many have orbs and many dont; with a waterfall you should constantly have moisture in the air so shouldnt all photos of the glen then have orbs?


    I’d never really heard much about orbs until I started listening to ‘Now That’s Weird!” Ross Hemsworth and his merry crew have done some things with orbs. From what I recall, they have had orbs exhibiting ‘intelligent’ behaviour; they have told them to appear in specific spots and the pictures come out with orbs obligingly doing as they are asked. They also show up when some sort of spirit presence is experienced, or communication is going on.

    I wouldn’t take my wonky memory as an authority however. If you wanted to follow this up you can email him; he has ross@nowthatsweird.co.uk as a public address. In my experience he is a good responder to emails. He only lives in Devon, so maybe he’d meet with you if you were interested.



    Thanks Michael, have contacted Ross and await his reply. Will let you know what happens :)


    A nice coincidence. This morning in the post, I recieved the latest journal from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury, see picture below… they got an orb with some sort of flower/butterfly shape within it.



    This is getting more intriguing by the day. Had a reply from Ross, he is not releasing any info. at present, as his book is due out in August and it contains all the results of his research into orbs etc. See his site for further details (an interesting site by the looks of it) [url:y7kdeqlf]http://www.phantomorfraud.org[/url] Thanks to all for your comments and photos etc, keep them coming….


    OK, I disappear for six months, having only posted a few times, now I come back to the forum and come out with the following, but hey, got to be honest guys…

    I’ve involved the paranormal investigating malarkey for the best part of 20 years now, long before digital cameras came into existence. back in the those days there was no such thing as Orbs. They only started to pop up once digi camera’s became cheap enough the bought by non professionals. they were first photographed in Japan, where they were thought to be, and were called ‘Spirit lights’ and were believed to be the departing spirit following burial. But most expert in digital cameras knew they were simply very small items close to the camera, which reflected the light of the camera flash, but because the camera was focused on the largest object, usually the much more distant grave stone, the illuminated particle was very out of focus and blurred. (sorry, bit of a long sentence there!) As digital cameras became more widely available so the orb phenomena spread! The Americans made them really popular by posting ‘orb’ photos all over the internet, but that was just more evidence that weren’t paranormal, because if they were then ghosts are everywhere, literally!
    But, as soon as you look at these shots in more detail it is possible to see what’s causing them. Indeed, I’ve spoken to two professional photographers about orbs, to get their professional insights. One of them works exclusively in digital and, after she’d stopped laughing, she told me that some photography schools offer courses in how to prevent getting these annoying blemishes in your photos. You can imagine it, there you are charging £100′s for your work as a photographer and ‘Fred and Joan’ have got big grey stops in front of their faces!! It’s mainly due to the Flash, which is 4 times brighter than on a conventional camera, being too close to the lens on ‘all in one’ camera units. according to Ann, the photographer, you need to use a 6million plus pixel camera, as it is able to see through the ‘flair’ of an ‘orb’. if you use such a camera, or one that has a separate flash unit, you’ll not get orbs at all.

    Basically there are three causes of ‘orbs’

    1) dust. as I said before, the light from the flash illuminates the dust, but it’s very out of focus so you get that odd grey blob appear. If you have a higher res camera, and you enlarge the ‘orb’ you may see a brighter point within the orb, that’s the actual piece of dust that caused the orb. Some people even speak of seeing a face in the orb, but that down to ‘pattern recognition syndrome’ where we unconsciously look for the human visage in random patterns (faces in the fire) There are by far the most common type of orb. and I’ve got literally 1000′s of such photos from haunted locations, but, then again most of these places are old buildings, so there’s a reasonable chance of there being dust around. And, as the slightest breeze can scatter dust, there’s no surprise that they are there one second and gone the next, we are talking about area of about 2 inch squared in front of the lens, tiny, but you can get an awful lot of dust in this area.

    2) insects, less common than dust, but the same thing happens, illuminated by the flash. These often appear as smaller and much brighter than dust but, again if you’ve a reasonably hi res camera, enlarging the picture can often reveal wings and legs! An insect can be several feet away and still reflect the flash back at you. In fact I’ve got a great piece of video footage that shows a bright light anomaly at Michelham Priory. a bright light whizzes across the room, suddenly does a U-turn, then heads directly for the camera, WOW! I thought, but when it get closer to the lens you can clearly see wings :(

    3) Moisture. again it’s down to flash illumination, but it can also be light from another source reflecting off of it. The fact is you’re always going to get moisture in the air. even on a hot sunny day, unless humidity is zero there will be moisture about, and don’t forget your own breath.

    There are of course other causes of light anomalies, factors such as light refraction with the lens set up capturing light, or other such reflections.

    Please don’t get me wrong I’m a whole hearted believer in Ghosts. Over the years I’ve seen, heard and felt more than enough to convince me these phenomena are real, But Orbs really are not reliable evidence as proof of the paranormal.

    Sorry to have rambled on for so long but I feel quite passionate about this subject and do get carried away some times.

    Andy M.


    Lol, Andy

    You’re probably right, but I’ll sit on the fence with this issue… maybe even 99% of orbs are natural accidents, but the paranormal is quirky and will often have the last laugh

    So I’d still take a peek at all orbs, maybe a needle in a haystack but I wouldnt make it a dogma to dismiss all orbs. A sphere is a very natural and organic shape… to me, energy of other realms is more likely to appear in the form of an orb rather than any other shape.

    But you are probably right, 99.9% can probably be explained, but I’ll still be hoping to see that which cannot be explained.


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