
Paul Weston News

A few quick updates from Paul Weston, tying in with the recent release of his book Mysterium Artorius.

Firstly, he is appearing at one of the Avalon Rising events at LaLune cafe in Glastonbury where he will be giving a 45 minute talk on the book and then signing copies afterwards. This is taking place at 19:00 on Thursday 24th January, 2008 (this coming Thursday!) More details on Avalon rising’s site here:

If you can’t make that, then you can still hear Paul speak courtesy of a recent podacst of Geoff Ward’s Mysterious West programme. The download can be found via this link:

Lastly, to get a flavour of the book online, check out Paul’s own website here: There are three previews available right now and a fourth scheduled to be released very soon.

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