spirit voice told me this

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    I was having a dream, and in the dream I heard this voice…a male voice say this (see below) but the voice was also in my waking state as it woke me up.

    the saying “revenge, revenge it will open out on you open up”

    The dream…

    I can remember the dream before I woke up; it was lucid. I was stood in this shop think it was an antiques shop or a voodoo priests temple.

    On the shelf up to the right in front of me was these two ornamental chairs about 20 inches tall, one had a statue of a woman sat down and the other on the left had a man, both were like voodoo priests. I looked again and they were gone, I wanted them.

    At this time a priest, voodoo, was in front of me, stood next to me just to my left, he was annointing my temple more on left forehead with oil. It was then I heard the voice, it came from the room the temple but was not the man annointing me.

    Strange dream and the thing is the voice slowly faded as I was awaking, in that it was in my room in reality close to my self.


    Sounds to me like you want revenge on someone. Have you been angry lately?



    I dont want revenge on anyone..I have not been angry. The voice was telling me this..not me saying it..’

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