Home Forums Questing Questing Activities SPIRIT CHASER

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    I have just finished proof-reading Alex’s ‘Spirit Chaser’. It is a wonderful piece of work.

    It’s written with honest love for the land and affectionate and intelligent promotion of ‘psychic questing’, and finishes with an uplifting motivational write, to motivate others to get out there and get involved.

    Inbetween the chapters of questing and discovery, are chapters, (fictional? well, maybe) of the live of St Bega. I found these historical flashbacks wonderful, and made her very real and especially the 7th century, the Synod of Whitby and the suppression of the old esoteric Celtic church… in dealing with this spiritual rip of history Alex has done so with no angst or axe to grind, but just simply,wisely and compassionately.

    I’m realy proud to have a chapter in this book, and I hope it all inspires greater quests to unfold.

    I’m not sure when the book will be available, in the Autumn I think.


    Am planning a December release, but this is dependent on other factors, so watch this space…..



    Spirit Chaser’. It is a wonderful piece of work.

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