Larchill Quest

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    A lot of my previous posts have revolved around very early and very recent Christian activities, albeit “Christian” in the loosest possible sense. This is purely because I have allowed myself to “go with” the coincidences that surround me and to help redress the balance here is the first of two “snippets” of action that are on completely different tacks.

    The following account is also different in that I first deliberately went ‘fishing’ for psychic information and later did the research to back it up. Unfortunately, I didn’t say anything to anyone at the time as my credentials as a psychic are not convincing (to say the least!) so you only have my word for the sequence of events.

    The following events took place at Larchill on Saturday 4th June 2005.
    Larchill claims to be “the only complete ‘Ferme Ornée’ in Europe” and is certainly one of the only examples in Ireland of the “Arcadian Garden”. Basically it’s a farm with a series of distintive features, from a traditional walled garden to some very mad follies (see [url:alin29ag][/url] for more details and be sure to read the bit about the owner being reincarnated as a fox!).

    Anyway when I was at the fake grand entrance down by the lake, which was is really just some columns and porch with seats built into it, I decided to “put my money where my mouth was” and do a typical psychic questing meditation. I just began to try and pick up vibes and start to create a little story in my head.

    What came to me was the following:

    A party is going on in the house. A couple, dressed in old-fashioned party clothes slip away from the house and come down to the lake. They are merry and laughing and have glasses of wine in their hands. They come to the fake entrance and begin kissing and caressing and eventually they end up on the lawn under some bushes making love. The girl is not entirely happy and protests but the guy overwhelms her as much by words as by brute strength. I get the impression that the girl certainly does not consider this a “rape” and although it gets out of hand she believes that if she really wanted to stop it, she could. Time moves forward and she now has a child. She often comes down to the same place by the lake and gazes out across it, but her overriding emtion is regret, not bitterness or anger. She wonders what her life would have been like had she not given in to the man’s (and her) passion.

    OK so that was the story that I had in my head. It’s not going to win any prizes for originality and it provides plenty of material for the armchair Freuds but I must tell it like it was. I reckoned that it was pretty uncheckable but I reckoned without the dedication of local Kildare historians and their worthy mission to put everything they can online. Thus when I did a little bit of digging, I quickly found that the name of the owner who believed he was going to be reincarnated as a fox was Watson and from this I was further able to trace a little bit of the history of the house and family.

    Imagine my surprise (as they say) when I came across the following excerpt from Oughterany magazine (the journal of the Donadea Local History Group):

    ‘The community was not without its scandal when in 1775 Mary Watson, the eldest of the family, was expelled from the Quaker religion because she had dishonoured the community. The following is an account of this affair from that year:

    Whereas Mary Watson, Daughter of William Watson of Baltracey, near Timahoe, was Educated in Profession of us the people called Quakers and did some time frequent Our Religious meeting but for want of taking heed to the Spirit of Truth in her heart which would have preserved her, Did join with the Temptation of the Enemy of her happiness so as to cohabit with a man in A criminal manner by whom she has had a child. Wherefore in order to clear the Truth we profess from the Reproach Occasioned by her Disorderly and Wicked Actions and for a Causion [sic] to Others We are concerned thus publicly to Testify against her and Deny her to be of Our Society nevertheless We Sincerely Desire that she may come to a true Sight and Sense of her misconduct and Witness that Godly Sorrow which Worketh True Repentance and thereby Find mercy with the Almighty.’

    As I read this, I had a total surge of adrenalin and a weird prickling sensation all down my spine (I know that is another complete cliché but that’s exactly how it felt). I had started with something completely ’imaginary’ and without much stretching (of myself or the facts) had corroborated the information, at least to a partial extent.

    As I calmed down a bit and mulled it over, I realised that there are a few problems with this. Firstly there is a problem with the timings in that the scandal took place 11 years before the girl’s brother actually leased Larchill (although there is nothing to say that they couldn’t have been guests there before they moved in as tenants). Also the document refers to her as cohabiting with a man whereas in my mind’s eye the girl was definitely on her own with the child. Lastly, my mental picture had the people dressed in clothes suggesting a much later date than 1775.

    One possible solution to some of these inconsistencies is to suggest, like Daniel Pinchbeck in Breaking Open the Head, that certain issues might reoccur, generation after generation, until they have been dealt with (”I suspect I am working through some business left over from my heritage, as if mystical yearnings run, like rogue genes, in family trees..”). If that is the case then maybe the tragedy of the unmarried mother was to appear several times through the history of the Watson family. I guess our local historians might be able to shed more information on this suggestion by looking at the more recent records.


    I’d consider that a ‘big result’

    That all the sums dont quite add up isnt important. In a moment of relaxation you chose to listen to the story of a location and all this quickly ran into your head and your mind put structural form to it… it matters not about whether it was the right period of clothing etc…. you got the soap opera correct.

    The thing is this. You cannot, ever, make anything up.

    All ideas come from somewhere else.

    You go quiet. You meditate, either absent mindedly or, focussed on an issue, and then ‘ping’, a light comes on, and you recieve the insight.

    How then your mind intreprets the data recieved is different for every individual. If you had had a friend with you, they may of not seen what you had seen but may have heard the name ‘Watson’ or they may have seen a stern looking Quaker…

    I think that you did good. and although you might still feel that you need convincing, I think that if you went places, had a silent med’ you’d get a lot more ideas come into your head.

    Thats the otherworld for you. We are constantly connected to it, every action we make is because of an idea recieved… All we have to do, is use our morale code and wisdom and free will to decide whether we want to act on that idea or not.

    Its up to you.


    Thanks for the vote of confidence, Yuri. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said “soap opera” as that was exactly how it felt. Like you say, though, that doesn’t mean it isn’t true on some level.

    By the way, do you have a particular meditation technique for questing? When I want to zone out my best results are with a Shamanic drumming CD but that tends to bring me “miles away” whereas with psychic questing what you often want to do is direct your intuition in a more focussed way to the place or object at hand.

    Anyone got any suggestions?


    Would it be a good idea to have a separate thread or section for sharing/discussing ‘technique’? It’s something I think would be of general interest.

    I find music distracting myself, preferring silence or just normal background ‘noise’, though I admit I haven’t tried music that is meant to be used for altering consciousness (for want of a better expression). “Zoning out” I find relatively easy (it took a while to get there though), but although insight does come when in such a state I find it to be more of a spiritual, ‘connecting’, practice.


    The internet is a marvellous thing. The following unsolicited response to the Larchill post came into my in-tray by someone who happened across the article via a search engine.

    Seamus Cullen Says:

    “I am the authur of the article in Oughterany and I own the property where Mary Watson lived in Baltracey. Unfortunately nothing remains of the house where Mary lived and nothing further has come to light of Mary or her child. As a member of the Society of Friends she was treated better than other christians who gave birth to a child out of wedlock in 18th century Ireland. Her relative Margo who lived subsequently in Larchill also had a trgic life. She was orphaned at a young age married off to her first cousin for property inheritance reasons and died childless aged fifty.”

    Thanks for the update, Seamus, and for the original article.

    It would be interesting to do a meditation in the Baltracey house and see what images are produced there and how they compare with the Larchill sequence.

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