Green Stone Tour

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  • #1558

    Hi Guys,

    First time posting here, though I’ve been here awhile and are very much enjoying reading all your posts. I am typing this, rather dismayed to hear about the possible fate of the Green Stone after MS death. I do hope it has not been lost to the questing community. :cry:

    Re. the Green Stone. Can anyone here tell me how the Green Stone Tour went down? Did anyone here go?
    I was tempted to go on it, but not for the price. I’m sure it was worth it, but I just would have liked to have seen some consideration for those on a lesser income. What did I miss?
    I posted on the Graham Phillips Message Board months ago and was promised that the subject would be updated. So far, nothing, and I am equally waiting to hear how the Green Stone Presentation went at last year’s QC. Nothing on AC Eden Site, nothing on GP’s site.
    Not meaning to be critical, I appreciate these two guys are busy writing, but there seems a distinct lack of information on either of their sites.
    Such an event should surely be documented.
    I am so pleased in this instance to have found this site, primarily centred on questing.

    If anyone can fill me in I would really appreciate it. I was unable to go last year because of other pressing matters. Thank you.

    Looking forward to hopefully getting involved here more.
    Well done with the site. Keep up the good work!

    Blessed Be,


    Hi Dan

    The Green Stone Tour never happened; basically for the reasons you quoted, it was expensive and grand, not enough people signed up to make it financially viable.

    Andy C said that it may still take place again in a revised, cheaper more economic style (without the banquet at Harvington Hall and the like).

    As to where the Green Stone has gone to, no one’s been told yet, so just keep your eye on; people will talk about it as soon as anything is known…

    YURI wrote:
    Hi Dan

    The Green Stone Tour never happened; basically for the reasons you quoted, it was expensive and grand, not enough people signed up to make it financially viable.

    Andy C said that it may still take place again in a revised, cheaper more economic style (without the banquet at Harvington Hall and the like).

    As to where the Green Stone has gone to, no one’s been told yet, so just keep your eye on; people will talk about it as soon as anything is known…

    Hi Yuri :D

    Thanks for responding.
    It’s at least good to hear that I didn’t miss anything.
    And the Green Stone Presentation at PQC?

    It’s unfortunate the way the auctioning of such a find has caused so much ill feeling and mixed reactions amongst “friends.” Such is the fate sometimes of these “otherworld” artefacts ; they can so easily disappear just as quick as they came.
    Is the same thing destined to happen to the Swords of Meonia? Are the same protagonists in posession of them?

    Regards, Dan

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