fact or fiction

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    I used to read all of Andrew Collins books, when i was younger and took what he said as fact. Not questioning anything no matter how ridiculous it sounded.

    I recently got my old books out of storage and reread them. I found them to be poorly written and nothing more than a fairy story based around a hurricane. The medium that locates the hidden artifacts, how do you know he didnt put them there?

    The content of this book is ridiculous, the only thing good about it is the money i got when i sold it.



    The content of this book is ridiculous, the only thing good about it is the money i got when i sold it.[/quote:7dc7b2292e]

    Well, every man is entitled to their opinion.

    Whilst I can relate to the principle of what you are saying I, personally, don’t write them off as fairy stories like you do. When I first discovered the world of questing, like yourself I saw them with a certain wide eyed, unquestioning faith. I lapped it up.
    Now, with more knowledge and years behind me I have come back to them again and again and still pretty much believe that it was all part of a vision quest that was believable to those involved. Yes, maybe some kind of group euphoria was evident, and they all convinced themselves that higher things were going on when perhaps they might not have been, but it makes the phenomena ever the more interesting. Isn’t this how magic works after all?

    What I’m saying is that no one I think was deliberately out to decieve. Not Andy or Graham anyway. Maybe I am still being naive, but as Andy has said re.those books, a number of things you can now see are historically bogus. Some however still hold up. I certainly wouldn’t berate them for expressing a theory.
    Certain events in those books are bundled together making it sound more dramatic than maybe it sometimes was, and more frequent that it actually was. Two events instead of being back to back, probably occured with a gap of a few months. No less magical because it didn’t happen instantaneously.

    Of course where psychics are concerned (and yes, we’re all psychic to an extent) I don’t think for one moment that Andy wasn’t on his guard, thinking he might be being led on a merry dance. There are always people out to deceive, intentionally or subconsciously due to some kind of personal problems. For things to happen, you have to run with it sometimes and take people as they present themselves, fantasists or not. That’s the only way you are going to uncover the truth.
    Now, it maybe seem ludicrous that all these magical happenings might be put down to a natural phenomena, but there are more things in heaven and earth.

    I’d be more productive if you could expand on what you disliked and didn’t agree with. At the end of the day, prove that Andy is wrong? You cannot as much as Andy can prove all the events are correct.

    I personally still love how the books are written, in that kind of diary format. Perhaps it does rather cheapen the seriousness of the material, but if you want to sell books you have to make them so they will appeal and draw people in. The covers of the Green Stone books for example made them look like Science Fiction works.


    I have to agree with Dan in that first and foremost I believe Anrdew Collins is totally sincere in what he writes. From what I know of the man, there is absolutely no way he is deliberately setting out to deceive people.

    However, you are then left with the question of whether you believe his interpretation of events – and here, like in life, there are no easy answers.

    On the one hand there is a predisposition in humans to make connections, to create a meaningful narrative around themselves and their passage through life. There is a biochemical basis for this and certain drugs have been proved to increase the tendency to “see meaningful connections”.

    On the other hand if parapsychological phenomena actually exist or if there is to be communication with another “realm” (whatever that may be), then it will inevitably be extremely subtle. Science has mapped out the ballpark and if there were any obvious “forces” they would have found them a long time ago. Scientists will claim that they have mapped the whole of reality but I think that in today’s world where the implications of quantum theory are being worked through, this is as much of an assumption as the counter view.

    So the psychic communication will be subtle. It will require attention to patterns of small details. It will require much introspection as the platform for putting the pieces together and seeing the pictures will be the imagination. The imagination is where the worlds of the divine and of man intersect. CG Jung has probably explored this territory better than most and developed a practical technique for mapping the realm (active imagination).

    Does this mean I believe that psychic questing is “only imaginary” or “all in the head”? Absolutely not. Reality is not the fixed, concrete “out there” we think it is. (And I think even the most sceptic scientist would agree with that last statement). Ambiguity and the interpration of this ambiguity by human consciousness lies at the heart of our reality.

    Einstein famously (and, it now appears, incorrectly) said that God does not play dice. My riposte is that neither does God like black and white answers.

    That’s all got a bit heavy…must be Sunday :D


    Thanks for replying guys.

    Calling it a fairy story was a bad choice of words from me, sorry. I also think andy c was honest in his version of events as well. It was more to do with how information was obtained and interpreted.

    The conclusion i came to after reading it was that the black alchemist is actually the psychic that provided him with all the material for the book.

    i dont believe in psychics or anything supernatural, i just wanted to hear your opinions.


    [quote:c897f8d9fe="andyessex29"]i dont believe in psychics or anything supernatural[/quote:c897f8d9fe]

    Let me see if I can sow a little ambiguity in your beliefs :wink:


    Check out the link above for an overview of the work of Dean Radin and see if that doesn’t make you think twice. Radin has carried out many properly contructed, “hard science”-grade experiments and found statistically significant results.


    Ah, okay I’m understanding a little better now. Thanks Andy. So, it’s more a case of not believing in psychics. Well, again isn’t it all down to that interpretation of the material? Psychics sometimes/often get it wrong, like the rest of us. They see pictures and sounds and the brain automatically puts this all through a big filter and tries to rationalise it. Personal beliefs also influence the outcome. People like Andy who’ve worked with a large number of psychics have this on board and interpret the information maybe differently again, so the original info at best may get a little warped.

    Are we talking about Bernard Gowing here, or the Helen woman? It’s been a little while since reading BA. It’s conceivable that the Black Alchemist may have been infact a deep rooted subsconscious creation of one or more of the people involved. I don’t think this myself though.
    I never actually liked the BA nickname. It put it in the realms of DC comics. You could almost see this figure twirling his moustache and gleefully talking about how evil he was, like some cartoon villain! LoL

    There are people here who are far more qualified to explain that the supernatural is quite real, and psyhic ability properly channeled and interpreted can be amazingly accurate. The military and the police have been using psychics for over 30 years. Kings and Queens have always had astrolgers and psychics to guide them through life and decisions. It’s well catalogued.
    I myself lived with a poltergeist for about 10 years as a child and experienced lucid dreams, past lives and apports at the age of 5.

    I’m not out to change anyone’s mind. It has to be your choice on what you believe Andy, but like Simon, I’d certainly urge you to not be quite so closed no matter how much research you may have done. There’s very compelling evidence out there and a lot is being proven by quantum physics now. Lab experiments have been coming up with some fantastic results but they never seen to get the worldwide attention they deserve. Too many people still fear for their jobs and reputations if they were to come out with all their findings.


    The main problem i had with the book is that it was promoted as a dramatic true story. Does imagining something make it real ?

    I used to attend a local spiritualist church for many years, my family are still involved in the movement.
    My own doubts surfaced when i asked the question why are all the messages received are so vague, this was not just at my church but a few others i visited as well.

    People into spiritualism are too quick to look for spiritual answer for something rather than the simple answer. For example where i work if the window opens on its own its the ghost that gets blamed, not the fact that its a windy day and the window wasn’t shut properly.

    As for the police and army using psychics, i dont think thats correct, some may send some info to police and then claim they helped them,but i dont think thats happened. I seem to remember some eastern block country priminister sponsoring a girl who claimed she could detect disease and ailments, but he stopped when she failed under testing.

    In everyday life people make predictions, gamblers, stockbrokers etc but they dont claim to be phychic.

    I go to India alot and they base there whole life around astronomy, they wont do things on a certain day if the planets arnt aligned and stuff. They dont worry about if their not driving safely or if their brakes dont work because if its their day to die thats it. The knock on effect is they have more deaths on the roads per day than any other country.

    Yeah i was talking about Bernard Gowing, do you know if Andy C was paying him ?

    I checked out the link you posted and investigated it a bit further, it was very interesting. The reason his results are not accepted widely is because he cherry picks his data. Generalizing, tests of this kind that get positive results are carried out by people with a leaning towards belief in the supernatural anyway.

    Can you tell me more about the poltergeist ?

    I really want there to be something more to life, im not closed minded, but i need some solid evidence to make me believe again.



    What I’m saying is that no one I think was deliberately out to decieve. Not Andy or Graham anyway. Maybe I am still being naive, but as Andy has said re.those books, a number of things you can now see are historically bogus. Some however still hold up. I certainly wouldn’t berate them for expressing a theory.
    Certain events in those books are bundled together making it sound more dramatic than maybe it sometimes was, and more frequent that it actually was. Two events instead of being back to back, probably occured with a gap of a few months. No less magical because it didn’t happen instantaneously.

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    Taking Collins’ own advice, you can read the book(s) two ways, you can either believe them as presented or as a work of fiction. As long as they can be enjoyed for what they are then that’s great.

    I re-read the book(s) a couple of months ago and felt that they represented a moment in time in Collins’ life. However, I still found them an interesting read nonetheless, especially as I’d forgotten most of the detail.

    Personally, I believe that Collins was truthful in his account, although you obviously cannot rule out that he’d been set up in some way in some (or all) of the events he wrote about.

    Kind Regards


    You cannot as much as Andy can prove all the events are correct.

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