Current Quests….

Home Forums Questing Questing Activities Current Quests….

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  imported_Andy_M 18 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1656

    Hi Guys

    Obviously I can understand if you don’t want to reveal any details, but is anyone currently involved in any active quests at the moment?

    Andy M


    Hi Andy

    Its a bit of an awkward topic for a thread. Speaking for myself, I like to keep things fairly private until I feel that I have ‘wrapped something up’ so to speak… I think most others are the same. Its not really to exclude others, really its just that too many minds can get chaotic… this forum is best used to bounce ideas off other people by saying something like… “I’m looking into so and so at the moment anyone got any ideas”? and so on; so you get help without interfearance.

    What I think would be a good idea is that, from my own experience, there are so many loose ends and paths that one could investigate, that one person cant do them all… so maybe it would be good to post up ‘avenues of research’ that you havent got time to pursue; others might find these things of interest and others may like to pursue them for themselves…

    I’ve many odd loose ends, when I have time, I’ll stick them up here for whoever wants to play with them and take them further, or not.


    You should do that Yuri – would be very intresting! :D


    That sounds a cracking idea. There are many things that have come out of quests just itching to be investigated.

    Could there be a noticeboard type thing for people to respond to?



    Hi Yuri

    That’s exactly the idea I had in mind with this thread! :)

    Someone can, without revealing details of their own work, mention that’ve come across ‘something’ that’s worth looking into, but that they don’t have the time etc. Someone else could ‘pick up the ball’ and run with it.
    Could pass the info on via PM if they’d sooner keep the details pivate?

    Andy M


    We may also discover that someone else is looking into the same thing at the same time and ‘pool their resources’, rather than go over the same areas twice.

    From experience I can say that, if something ‘big’ is going down more then one person is bound to pick up on it, makes sense to share info!



    If it helped, I could easily set up a new Forum section called “Questing Leads to be Followed…” or something similar. At least then there is a dedicated area where they can all go and also each lead can have it’s own discussion thread. Would this be of interest?


    Sounds like as good idea to me





    Now there’s service for you! :lol:

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