Author Archives: Simon


Paul Weston News

A few quick updates from Paul Weston, tying in with the recent release of his book Mysterium Artorius.

Firstly, he is appearing at one of the Avalon Rising events at LaLune cafe in Glastonbury where he will be giving a 45 minute talk on the book and then signing copies afterwards. This is taking place at 19:00 on Thursday 24th January, 2008 (this coming Thursday!) More details on Avalon rising’s site here:

If you can’t make that, then you can still hear Paul speak courtesy of a recent podacst of Geoff Ward’s Mysterious West programme. The download can be found via this link:

Lastly, to get a flavour of the book online, check out Paul’s own website here: There are three previews available right now and a fourth scheduled to be released very soon.

Sauniere Model Represents…Lincoln!

Just before his death, Saunière commissioned the construction of a three-dimensional model map depicting, on the face of it, Jerusalem.

Researcher AndrĂ© Douzet has previously suggested that the maquette actually shows Rennes-Le-Château (see here for an extract from his book which gives an overview of his thinking with regards the model: ).

However, Callum Jensen (aka The Green Dan) has now ingeniously argued that the model can be much more convincingly shown to represent Lincoln. Read Callum’s full article here:

‘The Sacred Quest’ Book

Here’s a marketing ploy I haven’t seen before – by buying (or pre-ordering to be precise) a copy of this new book on their website ( ) before the 30th September 2007, you become an Ether Founder Member. And then "once Ether Publishing and Ether Music Productions reach a certain size in terms of post tax profit, 10% of the company’s post tax profits will be made available to and distributed equally amongst the Founder Members. This will be gifted on an ongoing and annual basis in recognition of the support of the Founder Members’ participation in the instigation of the companies."

Whether this is likely to result in any actual money coming your way I leave to your judgement. I suspect that many of the contributors to this site know how hard the publishing business can be and that they can fairly accurately assess the chances of being part of a big breakthrough bestseller.

All that marketing hype aside, however, the book itself looks like an interesting proposition. In what sounds like a postmodern Celestine Prophecy, "[a]s [the author] begins to write the book in full and follows implicitly her intuition, so the book quite literally manifests into reality around her as remarkable twists occur."

This theme ties in with the recent speculation of alternative quantum physicists such as Goswami that consciousness creates the universe around itself – a theme which has been echoed by the likes of Daniel Pinchbeck (whom I quote in relation to this elsewhere on this site) and Michael Glickman ("Thoughts seem to be effecting reality more than before.") Of course, this has long been the speculation of psychic questers (for example see the comments by Andrew Collins and Richard Ward concerning the brass box and the swords in the pQ Interview) so there’s no surprises for us there. However, it is interesting to see the view become more mainstream and perhaps, like the Da Vinci code before it, this book will hit public consciousness at just the right moment.


Back Issues of Lighthouse for sale on eBay

Just to highlight two items of interest to psychic questers currently on ebay there are two back issues of Lighthouse magazine currently up for sale on eBay.

The links are here:

Lighthouse Vol2, No.1

Lighthouse No.2

Highlights include the infamous psychic questing article "The Feast of Atargatis: (Four Go Mad at Brean Down)" by Paul Weston and some additional psychic material that has had to be left out of Alex Langstone’s new "Spirit Chaser" book due to editorial constraints.

Happy bidding!

Andrew Collins on Dreamland (gateway to Atlantis)

I picked this up recently from Whitley Strieber’s website. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet myself but it sounds interesting:

"In the year 2000, Andrew Collins published Gateway to Atlantis, proposing that the impact of a comet over the North America resulted in the end of the ice age 10,900 years ago, and destroyed Atlantis, an island empire in the Atlantic, in a single night.

Now, incredibly, corroboration has come from a group of scientists who have published in established scientific journals and written a book saying that the very disaster Andrew identified 7 years ago did indeed happen!"

For those of you who want to cut straight to the podcast the link is here: but they only stay up for a few weeks so you’ll need to download it relatively quickly.

Knights Templar Commemoration Event: Tickets Now Available

Oddvar Olsen at The Temple Booklet has been in touch to say that tickets are now available for the Knights Templar Commemoration event being held in Bristol on the 12-14th October.

The event, which starts on Friday evening and runs through until Sunday, features Yuri Leitch and Andrew Collins amongst its list of impressive speakers. Other familiar names (to this writer at least) include Paul Broadhurst, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Dr Helen Nicholson.

The timetable for the event is here: while extended information on the speakers and their topics can be found here:

This looks like being a fascinating weekend for anyone engaged in alternative studies but particularly for those with an interest in the Templars. Tickets and accomodation are likely to sell out quickly so potential attendees are encouraged to buy early.

Release of Bloodline the Movie Inches Ever Closer

The people at Bloodline the Movie continue their teaser marketing campaign (which I’m not at all convinced is deliberate but which has successfully piqued our interest here at The news section now has some very dramatic pictures which appear to be the main addition since I last looked at it. Well worth a look for anyone who is interested in Rennes-le-Chateau or Holy Blood, Holy Grail type intrigues.

As there seems every likelihood of more updates I have set up a forum post -> here <- and will keep this updated in future rather than using the front page. The forum post also contains a poll to see what you think of the film and its theme up to now – so get voting!