Bloodline: The Movie

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  imported_Simon 16 years, 12 months ago.

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    I’m starting this topic to (1) have somewhere I can post updates in future; and (2) to gauge people’s opinion of the movie and the themes it covers. Please feel free to comment and also please indicate your thoughts on the film (or at least the information currently in the site) by voting in the poll.

    The link to the main movie page is here: [url:3ljqo1vy][/url] but you’ll probably want to go straight to the News or Trailer sections.


    I really am quite fed up with the whole theme as a whole.

    1; that Sangreal even means ‘blood royal’ is meaningless as it is many chinese whispers of errors from the original ‘Graal’

    2; I believe that the Prieure de Sion was all Plantards invention.

    3; There is no great secret ‘person’ that the vatican couldn’t assissinate if it reallty wanted to.

    4; If Mary and Jesus had offspring (and I suspect they did) then their great great great great etc… ‘grandchildren’ would now number in their thousands.

    5; we are all of divine blood. I believe all souls are equal.

    The only saving grace of this type of movie is that it helps to pull apart the Catholic church, which, for crimes against humanity over the past 1500 years, is a good thing.

    Thie film doesn’t interest me and I thought the Da Vincie Code film was rubbish.

    Just my tuppence worth

    :o )


    To Simon and everyone on Psychic Questing,

    Thanks so much for your interest in Bloodline. It has been quite a journey for us… and it continues!

    Following decades of study and research, we set out to investigate the existence of the Priory of Sion and the marriage and Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We wanted to dig a little deeper, so to speak, and bring some new evidence, if it existed, to the table.

    We do not claim to be scholars… just filmmakers with a passion for the truth, and we are excited about releasing Bloodline so that we can offer everything we found for the full scrutiny of interested parties around the world. Then, let the conversations begin!

    Again, thank you for your postings.

    Best wishes,

    Rene Barnett
    Bloodline Producer


    I Am One, who is interested in what you have to reveal…

    Any Truth to emerge from this foggy subject will be greatly recieved.


    Me too, although I also understand what Yuri is saying.

    I must confess though that I didn’t even know that such a film had been made. Although I do write about this in my own book, the only reason I went to see the Da Vinci Code was because one of my friends husband was an extra in it ! I didn’t recognise him after all that, as he had shaved his beard off …



    The latest information from Rene:

    “Hello Everyone!

    We took particular note of the recent news out of Italy regarding Slavisa Pesci’s discoveries of hidden images in Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. In fact, the entire world took such note that on the first morning following his press announcement, 15 million internet users clamored to see what it was all about, crashing the site.

    The theme revealed in Pesci’s work, of course, seemed to be, once again, the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Or at least, the hint of some kind of ‘proof’ or ‘evidence’ of that union was what drew so many people worldwide to see it for themselves. That hope of some kind of answer to forbidden questions.

    Our goal with Bloodline is to bring new information and evidence to the light and to continue to stoke the fires of healthy debate.

    Just a heads up, by the way, Bruce and I were interviewed by the Rennessence panel, Andrew Gough, Philip Coppens and Corjan de Raaf, which is now live on [url:38p457id][/url], if you’d like to take a listen. In addition, we just completed another interview, this one with William Henry, which will also be live this weekend at [url:38p457id][/url].

    As we move closer to the release of the film, we are planning more interviews and will keep you updated as they become available.

    Thank you again for your much valued interest.

    Best wishes,

    Rene Barnett


    Another teaser and some latest developments…

    “Dear Friends,

    Just a heads up that we have posted some new information on the NEWS page of our website [url:2mj2cmz6][/url]. It’s all about the collection of coins we found inside the chest along with the cup, anointing jar, glass vial and parchment.

    Because of the coded nature of some of the clues and evidence in this investigation, as you might imagine, we never take things at face value anymore. So we are still considering what meaning might be behind the placing of the coins. Was it something obvious, such as to simply call attention to a particular time period? The coins range in date from 1st Century BC to 12th Century AD, a very interesting interval of history–a hundred plus years before the birth of Jesus, right through to the Crusades.

    Or, is there another, deeper, more obscure, reason those particular coins were selected? If you have any ideas, we would love to hear about them! Please send us an email with your thoughts.

    We’re excited to tell you that we will be making an announcement very soon about the release of BLOODLINE, so please keep an eye on our website, and thanks again for your continued interest and support.

    Best wishes,

    Bloodline Producer”

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