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    How do you know when your quest has been completed? Can you ever know? After all, it may be someone else’s destiny to take the next step. What measures can you take to determine the next step? Is it just a matter of asking the right question? Whom serves the Grail?


    In my own experience, nothing ever finishes and we are all just ‘links’ in an eternal ‘chain’ of moments…

    …that said, some tasks are very straight forward in a ‘go over there and do that’ type way, but often you dont appreciate the bigger picture until many years later.

    I dont think anything is ever over. What is yours will come to you, and nobody else can live out your own destiny, so people shouldnt be fearful of ‘others’ taking over their topic of research… that doesnt mean that you shouldnt be careful of others getting in the way and possibly misdirecting things… its why i am always saying, trust yourself and go with what feels right… there is no ‘one perfect way’.

    You could say that the game is over when you die, but i believe in reincarnation, so i dont ever think things can be ‘over’… it is also an error in my opinion to assume that you know all there is to know about a certain area of research; as soon as you think that you have wrapped something up and sealed it as ‘complete’, that canny old universe will pull the carpet from under your feet… best to just keep rolling with it.


    Thanks, Yuri. While my opening questions were of a general philosophical nature, I have a specific practical reason for asking.

    My researches, through a long chain of synchronicity, point spectacularly and unmistakeably (though controversially) to the significance of a particular site as a highly potent, but forgotten sacred centre. My predicament is really – ‘so what next?’. What am I supposed to do with this information?

    I am interested in ‘recharging’ the site and in seeking corroboration of my findings through more direct psychic means, although I have little experience in this area.

    :idea: I suppose I could go and ‘knock on the door’ so to speak, and ask something like ‘why have you led me here?’, and take things from there.

    I believe that no ‘journey to the otherworld’ is over until you return and use whatever treasures you gained on your trip for the benefit of this world. To this end, I’m preparing a manuscript (hopefully) for publication, as well as a website/DVD, but I can’t help thinking there could be another chapter if I take things to the next level before going public.

    Can anyone out there advise me on this?


    I think really that you have answered all your original questions… you dont have any ‘closure’ in sight, in fact, you have a lot to do… writing and creating the media you mention… that in itself is another journey, and often further insights come once you put things out into the public.

    I have also noticed that this stuff is like flowing water and if you get given a treasure from the otherworld, if you just sit on it, you block the flow of water and your psychic life can become stagnant… its almost as if, by putting your treasure out there, you open up the door for more treasures to flow through.

    To hold on to something… sometimes it is wise to do so, until the right time comes along to reveal your treasure (only you can decide when that should be)… but its unwise to fall fearful of others running off with your ideas… if you give in to this kind of fear then you’ll never get anything achieved… there is no easy yes or know…

    trust your feelings and follow your synchronicities.


    Hi Perceval,

    “I believe that no ‘journey to the otherworld’ is over until you return and use whatever treasures you gained on your trip for the benefit of this world.”

    This is certainly the sequence in the Hero’s Journey where you must “return with the elixir” (this is also depicted in the Sun, Judgement and World cards in the Tarot pack). But that describes a narrative structure and although I’m the first to self-mythologise, I wonder if life really follows the pattern that neatly.

    However, your discovery sounds fascinating. I’m hoping that the site is somewhere in Surrey! I always feel cheated that there are so few (if any?) scared sites nearby. The Glastonbury crowd get all the fun :wink: .

    I guess one thing that you could do is go to the site and visualise light beaming from you (or from “above” and via you) into the site. If you’re psychically sensitive you might, as you suggest, try and contact a site guardian and see what they have to say (I have to admit that the limit of my own psychic ability in this regard is the tendency to get dumped on my butt whenever a site guardian is active). I’m sure that there are others here (I’m thinking Yuri and Vyxen) who might suggest full-blown rituals that could be used although I guess that also depends on what type of site it is and what “vibe” you get from the site or guardian.

    On a more mundane level I guess it depends who owns the land the site is on and how easy acess is. You might want to get some experts (archaeologists, I guess, if there are any remaining structures) to give it the once over to see if they can rule out your theory.

    Again, though. sounds very exciting. I had thought at one time that I was going to be able to link Cowdray Castle in Midhurst to the Catholic faction involved in the gunpowder plot and Graham and Andrew’s Green Stone but so far that hasn’t transpired so I’m very envious :D


    Thanks guys. It’s true, the process of expressing the questions seems to have helped me to answer them. Perhaps I should use the same technique ‘on site’.

    I’ve already done a load of work on this project and part of me just wants to get it over and done with (I turned up yet another significant fact only a few weeks ago). I also look forward to sitting back and watching the fireworks!

    ‘Fraid the site is not in Surrey. It’s on private land, but easy to access (!). There is archaeology, but nothing overtly ‘sacred’ has been found so far (no folklore either) – that’s partly why I’m interested in exploring the psychic angle. Don’t want to get into a guessing game, so I’ll say no more for now.


    Not too long ago I re-read Andrew Collins’ ‘The Seventh Sword’. One of the things that impressed itself on me that is relevent to this discussion is the sheer span of time covered by the book. The book covers a period from late 1979 to 1991 or 92, and even then the quest itself wasn’t over. The first Meonia sword and the Green Stone were found in 1979 and it looked like that was the end of the matter – closure! Time passed and suddenly the quest kicked off again. In some years nothing happened except for just one ‘event’, at other times a lot happened over days, weeks or months.

    So I guess you never know.


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