St.Marys photo to view…..

Home Forums Questing Does Anyone Know…? St.Marys photo to view…..

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  imported_zach 16 years, 6 months ago.

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    ..please take a moment to look at the image retrieved from St.Marys church in Wimbledon, apologies for being a lil unclear, just see what impressions are gleamed if poss.thankyou.
    to view pic please go to the following link thankyou


    Dunno about ‘impressions’, but this looks like a double exposure, of an uneven, stony surface reflecting flash, and a view into a room (with couch) through a window, with some elliptical structure, either suspended behind the window, or reflected in it.


    …and I’m probably missing the point. Sorry!

    On second viewing, there are a lot of ‘faces’ to be seen, impressionistically.


    …just posting to say thankyou for trying…erm as i have the actual photo…im quite well aware of the fact of what the actual photo contains in its image, maybe i wasnt eloquent enough in my request for any insight…i was generally asking what peoiple picked up in their minds eye to coin a phraze or what they could pick up with psychic means….not to worry thanks for the interest, and as for the faces??? i think we must be looking through different windows :)


    Looking at the the left hand side of the picture you can almost see a priest in his vestments. There then appears to be a gap in the middle and possibly another figure on the right. I’ll see if I can enhance the picture to show you what I mean.


    OK – here’s a very roughly outlined priest figure to the left. Have a look at this and then look back at Zach’s original.


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